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Music Beyond Borders.

Friday, 3 April 2020

  • 10:58:00
Deejay Bluemoon releases a an EP "Kengele Riddim" in collaboration with different artists from different part of the globe. Iadan (Jamaica), Fancy Lady (Canada), Ameytuz Jir (Ghana) and Spang to di G (Jamaica) Kengele Riddim takes the Dancehall genre to express the vibrant party / club scene to on a live and bumpy beat. Its perfomed in Jamaican Patois, known locally as Patois and called Jamaican Creole by linguists, is an English-based creole...

Saturday, 29 February 2020

  • 05:42:00
Pick up is a single by AfriKaan Shabba. The song talks about the misconception that people come up with during a relationship.  The artist focuses on one particular one which has to do with a cell phone. We get so attached to our phones to a point it consumes us and our thinking can get clouded. In the song he the artist wonders why the woman he thought he has connected with does not answer his calls so he makes up all the worse possibilities...

Wednesday, 26 February 2020

  • 10:25:00
Deejay Bluemoon teams up with J Plus  from Kenya to bring you the melodic Kizomba single "Lorna" The song talks about young love, man's experiences in getting the love of his life. He goes on to describes his feelings towards her, her she makes him feel, her beauty and promises he intends to keep once she says yes. Lorna takes the Kizomba genre to express the seductive nature of this woman and the love expressions of the man trying to woo...
Deejay Bluemoon will be performing video mixing  #JaksNight every Thursday at Ja'k's Mayfair an 'Elegant restaurant, beautiful bar, lively café, and quirky lounges all in one Mayfair Town house moments from Bond Street in central London.   This is a night to have fun, hang out with friends, enjoy your achievements over the week and most of all welcome the weekend in style. Two minutes walk from Bond Street Station down South Molton...
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